EP137: Restoring Heathy Movement with Mary Debono
In this episode I’ll be talking with Mary Debono. She is a certified Feldenkreis practitioner focused on helping horses and riders enjoy freer, healthier movement even if challenged by injury, arthritis, anxiety or pain. We found a lot of common ground with how we...
EP136: Improve How Your Horse Moves: Part 2
This episode is Part 2 of last week’s pod, where I continue to look at how to improve your horse’s movement. We’ll look at some often-missed root causes for unhealthy biomechanics and the most important conversations you need to have with your horse in able to improve...
EP135: Improve How Your Horse Moves: Part 1
In this episode, I’ll look at how to improve your horse’s movement. I’ll talk about the very first steps that are usually over-looked. Instead of jumping right into aids to change their bodies, we’re going to take a moment to observe. This is Part 1. Part 2 is the...
EP134: About Dressage Naturally Clinics with Michelle Young
In this episode I talk with DN instructor Michelle Young, from Canada. In becoming a DN instructor, she realized how DN clinics can be much different than what some people may expect. So we’ll chat about why clinics in general are valuable, and what makes DN clinics...
EP133: Oppositional Reflex
In this episode I’ll talk about Opposition Reflex – what it is and how to deal with it with your horse.
EP132: Teo Finds His Power
In this episode, I share one of my horse’s personal breakthrough moments. It was less about training and more about helping him reconnect with his playful power. This is a horse that has caused me to re-evaluate my goals and expectations, and re-define what success...
EP131: Leading & Following
In this episode I answer a student’s question about leading and following. She wants to go deeper into following to create more harmony but without giving up her leadership. I’ll discuss some concepts around this, and will also describe how to practice it with your...
EP130: Measure Your Progress
In this episode I’ll talk about ways to measure your success without competing. It’s so helpful to measure your progress so you know where you are and what you need to work on… even more importantly so you can realize how far you’ve come!
EP129: Grooming & Musing
Want to hang out with me while I do some chores? In this episode you will come along with me as I spend some time grooming Ovation and finishing up some chores one evening. I’ll muse about having an intention even for ‘mundane’ moments, noticing differently, health...
EP128: Equine Nutrition with Clare MacLeod, MSc RNutr
In this episode I’ll be talking with Clare MacLeod, MSc RNutr. Clare is an independent Equine Nutritionist who is registered with the UK Association for Nutrition. She has expertise in equine health and fitness, and provides advice and consultancy to horse owners,...