EP094: DN Instructor, Michelle Young

In this episode, you’ll meet DN Instructor, Michelle Young.Michelle will share the story of her horsemanship transformation and will talk about common student challenges (and her solutions).About the Guest:Michelle Young is a trainer and instructor who helps create...

EP093: DN Instructor, Shelby Hume

In this episode you’ll meet DN Instructor, Shelby Hume.Shelby will share five of her favorite concepts to help riders be the best they can be for their horses. This episode is chock full of tips and information!About the Guest: Shelby Hume has a unique background that...

EP092: DN Instructor, Shawna Lewis

In this episode you’ll meet Shawna Lewis. Shawna is one of 5 International Licensed Dressage Naturally Instructors. You’ll hear some of her favorite techniques for helping students and horses become more confident and relaxed.I think you’ll love meeting Shawna and...

EP091: DN Instructor, Liesbeth Jorna

In this episode I’ll be speaking with DN Instructor, Liesbeth Jorna. I think you’ll love our conversation. She shares her journey from traditional dressage to incorporating DN into her training… and shares how you can too. We’ll talk about some big picture concepts...

EP090: Transition!

This episode is about riding transitions, and how to improve your transitions especially if you and your horse have a habit of not-so-great transitions that you need to overcome. Transitions are a split second in time, so they can be tricky to improve. I hope this...

EP089: Pure Liberty with Andrea Wady

In this episode I speak with Andrea Wady. You may know her from the movie Taming Wild Pura Vida where she and Elsa Sinclair walked 2 rescued horses across Costa Rica on foot. We talk about her transformation as a horsewoman, Liberty Mindset, and ways to have an...

EP088: Focus vs Intention

I often talk about the power of using your intention. In this episode, I’ll talk about the difference between intention and focus. It may seem like a subtle distinction, but actually, they are very different things, and we need to know how to use them...

EP087: Going Through

This episode is about throughness. Throughness in the dressage sense of the word, but also in the sense of going all the way through a training challenge. Don’t get stuck in the mess. On the other side of the mess is often something beautiful.About the Host:Karen...

EP086: Listen To This Before You Buy A Horse

This episode, based on one of my popular blog posts is my advice when it comes to deciding what kind of horse you want to have. It’s about goals, and excuses, and about one of the biggest lies I have heard in the horse world.About the Host:Karen Rohlf, author and...

EP085: 2 Exercises That Change Everything

In this episode I’ll explain two exercises that are at the heart of Dressage Naturally, and that can change your horse’s movement dynamic, as well as the relationship between you and your horse when it comes to improving biomechanics.About the Host:Karen Rohlf, author...