Shawna Lewis
Dressage Naturally Instructor
Florida, USA

- Shawna
I love Dressage Naturally because it inspires me to be not only a better horsewoman but a better person. I am able to do dressage with my horses in a way that makes sense to me, at the same time continuing to build a relationship and the partnership that I dream of.
My vision as an instructor is to help students and horses become more confident and relaxed… Giving students a way to communicate with their horse with clarity and understanding. My hope is to inspire students in a way that goes beyond a lesson.
I love how Karen’s system takes the pieces of dressage and breaks them down into steps that helps us to know the questions to ask ourselves in each moment with our horses.
- Group & Private Lessons
- Clinics in the United States
- Workshops
- Support for Habits For Excellent Horsemanship courses in Dressage Naturally (DN) Virtual Arena
- Support for Sweet Spot course in DN Virtual Arena
- Video Coaching inside the DN Virtual Arena
Other areas of experience:
- Studied Parelli Natural Horsemanship

Meet Your Instructors
All instructors are also Coaches inside the Virtual Arena courses.
Click on any instructor image to learn more about them.