- Niki Wilde Broadhead

“I love to help people understand their horses better and build a meaningful relationship where both members are honored.” 

Karen has been a mentor of mine for over 20 years and I am truly honored, and excited to be part of the Dressage Naturally team. I love to fill in the knowledge gap from just starting out to starting a sport. There is nothing more fulfilling than watching my students, of all ages, accomplish all their goals while honoring their horses. I love to help people really understand and succeed!

I have been so fortunate to have learned from some of the best horse people in the world, like Karen. I love the way horses move when aligned, balanced, and free within their bodies. I want people to gain knowledge and truly understand how to become the best team possible in any sport and in any situation.


  • Educational: Kids and Adults online, virtually, and in person.
  • Clinics (will travel) 
  • Weekly group lessons
  • Mounted and unmounted workshops
  • Intensive training weeks
  • Support for Habits For Excellent Horsemanship course in Dressage Naturally (DN) Virtual Arena 
  • Support for Sweet Spot course in DN Virtual Arena
  • Video Coaching inside the DN Virtual Arena

Other areas of experience:

  • Strong background of foundational horsemanship, foal handling, and problem horses
  • A passion for Dressage and Cowboy Dressage that includes healthy mental and physical development of the horse through groundwork and riding
  • A love for the art of Liberty
  • Cowboy Dressage Endorsed Clinician
  • Cowboy Dressage Level 3 judge with Distinction
  • Studied Dressage in Portugal from the talented Luis Valencia Family
  • Studying Classical Dressage and the Vaquero traditions
  • Many years advancing adults and children
  • Experience with gaited horses, mules, and gaited mules
    Niki Wilde Broadhead

    Meet Your Instructors

    All instructors are also Coaches inside the Virtual Arena courses.
    Click on any instructor image to learn more about them.

    Shelby Hume
    Kentucky, USA

    Liesbeth Jorna

    Shawna Lewis
    Florida, USA

    Michelle Young

    Michelle Young
    Vancouver, Canada

    Niki Wilde Broadhead

    Niki Wilde Broadhead
    Utah, USA