In this episode, I’ll be sharing 3 random thoughts: A story about how smart horses are, some beautiful irony in the horse world today, and some reassurance for the people most worried about their horse’s well-being.

In this episode, I’ll be sharing 3 random thoughts: A story about how smart horses are, some beautiful irony in the horse world today, and some reassurance for the people most worried about their horse’s well-being.
In this episode, I’ll muse about harmony. It’s not about everything being perfect. You can harmonize with disharmony!
In this episode I describe how I have my property set up so horses get a lot of freedom, choice, and variety, while still keeping things safe, functional, and easy for me to work within. Temenos
In this episode, I share a core concept in the DN program. It’s the key to getting results, and even more importantly, it’s the key to YOU creating and re-creating results independently.