In this episode, I talk about the Dressage Naturally Happy Athlete training scale, and how you can use it as a blueprint for decision-making with your horse.
Happy, Healthy Dressage Episodes
EP162: The Sweet Spot
In this episode, I’ll describe what I call the Sweet Spot of Healthy Biomechanics. It is a key concept in Dressage Naturally. It can transform the way you train, and it is incredibly powerful as a tool for cooperative training of your horse’s posture and way of moving.
EP161: Student Q&A – Resistance To Circling
In this episode, I answer a student question about a horse that resists circling on line. My answer includes a specific exercise, as well as some important psychological nuances about how to do the exercise. It’s not just about ‘getting the horse to circle’ it’s about figuring out how to cause the horse to understand and be motivated to join the circle.
EP160: Technique & Soul
In this episode I’ll share some words from Nuno Oliveira. They are simple yet powerful and something you can apply to your riding starting today. This also dovetails beautifully with principles and methods taught in my Dressage Naturally program.