In this episode I talk with Sandra Beaulieu about creativity and horses, and how you can express your own creativity with your horse.
Happy, Healthy Dressage Episodes
EP181: Intention Of The Exercise, Part 2
In this episode I continue the theme from the last episode which was about the importance of knowing WHY you are doing an exercise. This time with more of a dressagey focus.
EP179: Advocacy: Speak Your Truth
In this episode I’ll talk about the importance of advocating for our horses, and how that advocacy actually has to start with ourselves.
EP178: Postural Rehabilitation with Dr. Karen Gellman
In this episode I talk with Dr Karen Gellman who specializes in biomechanics. She is part of a team of people who created the Postural Rehabilitation program. We’ll be talking about the multi-faceted approach to helping your horse.