Love it or change it
More resources to help you Increase the level of happiness and harmony you have with your horse.
Video 1:
In this short video Karen describes how to implement the concept of ‘loving it or changing it’ with a horse, in the most basic way.
Video 2:
This next video shows Karen coaching a student to love it more or change it. You can try this exercise with your horse and enjoy more harmony right away.
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These videos are two of hundreds of training videos from Karen Rohlf! Gain access to exercises, inspiration, demonstration and solutions to help you create stronger partnerships and healthy biomechanics by starting your FREE Trial Today.
Additional Resources
What if, in times of tension, there was one question you could ask yourself that would lead to happiness? In this episode I’ll share a technique I use in life and horsemanship. I’m not sure if it is a horsemanship technique that informed my life or a life technique that informed my horsemanship, but it helps equally with each and I hope it helps you.
Love It or Change It.
There are 2 Ways to be in harmony with your horse (life).
- Go with your horse
OR - Change your horse
Seems simple, but most of the time we are somewhere in the middle.
This blog gives examples and action items.