2. Communication: The Doorway to Willingness

Your honesty in assessing your horse’s happiness is the first step towards improvement.

Next: It’s important to be able to talk to your horse in a way that creates understanding and willingness.

Your honesty in assessing your horse’s happiness is the first step towards improvement.

It’s important to be able to talk to your horse in a way that creates understanding and willingness.

On a scale from 1-10

How would you rate the quality of communication you have with your horse?


Example of a 1: My horse is always fighting or bracing against me. I need to use stronger and stronger aids. When I decrease the strength of my aids he does less. I feel like he is purposefully disrespecting me. If I drop the reins when I ride I lose control and/or feel unsafe.

Example of a 10: I use visualization, energy, and body language to communicate with my horse. I listen as much as I speak to him. I understand how to use release and reward. My horse is attentive and willing. My horse can easily stop, turn and maintain direction without the reins.

Rate Yourself:

Click the button that corresponds to the level of communication you have with your horse.