For The Love Of The Horse…
Enroll Now!
Mastermind Program Value of $17,000
Your Investment Only $7997
Get started with a $500 Deposit
Click above to make your deposit & start the payment plan
SAVE EVEN MORE: After you enroll, you can save another $1000 if you pay the tuition balance IN FULL by February 26, 2021. Instructions will be emailed to you after the initial deposit is received.
You’ve tried going it alone…
It’s time to get the support you need and create the life you really want in the horse business.
Let’s work together to help you be more successful & happy in the horse business!
Whether you are just starting out, or are already burned out… There are things you can do to make your future something you can look forward to.
Imagine what is possible when you get the help you need!
This is for you if:

You want to get out there and find the students you love to teach, and who value what you offer. No more taking everything that comes your way just to make ends meet.

You are ready for support so you don’t have to keep learning things the hard way. You are ready to be part of a non-competitive group where you can share without judgment and get help developing your ideas.

You keep telling yourself you ‘should do something’ but you haven’t actually done anything! You’re ready for some built-in accountability so you can finally see results.

You are ready NOW to make a big transformation in your life & business. No matter what stage you are at, it is never too late to begin your next chapter.
Learn how to work ON your horse business from someone who works IN the horse business!
Topics Covered:
If you need help with any of the topics below you are going to LOVE this program:
- Mindset & Confidence: Own Your Value
- Time Management & Strategic Planning
- Knowing Your Unique Genius
- Marketing To Attract Ideal Clients
- Leveraging To Increase Profitability
- Packages & Pricing
- Building Your Team
- Student/Teacher Boundaries
- Creating Raving-Fan Students
- Discovering Your Unique System
- Creating an Ultimate Progress Plan
- Getting Yourself ‘Out There’

How it Works:
This program is a combination of Mentorship and Training from Karen, plus Masterminding with your peers. You will gain knowledge and form new habits for receiving support that will pay you back for the rest of your life!
Here’s What You’ll Get:
- 6 in-depth monthly training videos you can access at your convenience. Each is designed to help you move closer to your goals. You’ll get Worksheets with clear steps to take to guide you.
- 6 monthly live Open Q+A calls where you can ask your questions about anything that you need help with. This is your chance to customize the information you are receiving to match your needs exactly.
- 6 monthly live Masterminding calls where we will connect as a whole and in smaller groups to discuss specific questions from Karen designed to create breakthroughs. The skills for masterminding you build here are priceless. This is where the magic really happens.
- Virtual 3 day retreat where we take a deep dive and immerse into up-leveling your business. This highly interactive 3 days occurs mid-way through the program and is a breakthrough catalyst!
- ‘Get Un-Stuck Business Blast’ sessions with a business expert on the TYB team. This 15-minute private session is available whenever you need a little extra help.
- Closed Facebook Group so you are always just a click away from connecting with your fellow masterminders. You also get access to the Facebook group with all Mastermind Alumni. Your circle of support is growing!
- Recordings of all the Training & Q&A calls are available for you to download and keep.
- Transform Your Business Event at VIP level. Attend the next year’s TYB 2-Day seminar as a VIP. Hear everything with a new perspective so you can take things to the next level.
- The MM Headquarters. All the training materials, recordings, and live call information will be found in one place for easy reference, with a checklist so you don’t miss anything.
- Jumpstart your Productivity program. This is a bonus time-management program taught by productivity expert, Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking. During the first month of the Mastermind, you will be walked through a process designed to help you take charge of your calendar and master your time!
* Scroll down to learn more about the Jumpstart Your Productivity Bonus.

It’s time to love your horse business as much as you love your horses.
“When the most heart-centered professionals THRIVE,
the world is a better place for horses.” ~Karen
Your Teacher
Karen Rohlf, author and creator of Dressage Naturally, is an internationally recognized clinician who is changing the equestrian educational paradigm and translating it into a successful global business. Karen teaches students from around the world in her virtual programs and mentors professionals in the horse industry through her For The Love Of The Horse: Transform Your Business Seminar and Mastermind/Mentorship programs.
Karen’s Mastermind & Mentorship is a program proven to help you create a fulfilling, sustainable, and profitable life you can LOVE in the horse business
What Students Are Saying:
“The Mastermind is Never Ending self improvement! If you need to get out of the weeds and want to grow, this is the best thing you can do for yourself and your business.”
“I was really stuck and feeling uninspired before this mastermind. I had already done all of the “traditional” horse business models and all of them left me… [and] the horses tired and burned out. I was beginning to believe there was nothing else I could try. I even went back to working a “day job,” to give myself a break and to re-evaluate what I was doing with my horse business.
Thanks to this mastermind I am feeling inspired again, and am excited about where I’m going with my business. [I am in] a very different place than where I was when I signed up!
I built and launched an online course which has already resulted in increased income… It’s highly leveraged and I love it…I guess I just wasn’t convinced I could do it before this Mastermind. I’ve had the skills and knowledge to do this for YEARS and have always had a desire to try it, but never did until this program.”
“I make more money in a shorter amount of time, and clients are getting help and building comaradarie among themselves. I now take days off and don’t feel guilty not checking my phone every minute to make an appointment or help someone. I am finding my creative side again.”
“Since working with Karen I’ve doubled my income and cut my hours in half! The TYB Mastermind helped me realize all the different capacities I could earn revenue by doing what I love. I will be launching my Kids Korral Online Horsemanship Classes soon.
It’s empowered me beyond just horses. I could not only afford my divorce, but I can comfortably support myself and my special needs son.”
“Thanks to this Mastermind, I understand the concept of content marketing. I have many tools now that I never knew existed. There is a community out there experiencing the same doubts and hurdles as you… Masterminding is very powerful!”
“Mastermind Principle: Two or more people actively engaged in the pursuit of a definite purpose with a positive mental attitude, constitute an unbeatable force.”
Napoleon Hill
Are you thinking:
“There’s no way I have time to do this?”
I get it… I’ve got you.
I’ve teamed up with Time Management Expert Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking to help you get the most out of this Mastermind.
Jumpstart Your Productivity: Finally… Simple, Doable, Productivity!
You will learn how to:
- Immediately figure out where you are wasting time and make changes to get more done
- Create daily and weekly routines that allow you to know that the important things are just handled
- Set up and follow a consistent weekly planning process that works for you
- Have a process to plan for success and keep steering toward your goals
- Learn how to choose the activities that will really get you where you want to go and how to fit them in
“The tools and strategies I will share with you took me a lifetime to learn. You don’t have to wait that long. Get the help you need to go further faster.” ~Karen
Are you ready to INVEST IN YOURSELF and your business in order to make a huge change? Are you willing to be part of a SUPPORTIVE community of like minded people? Is NOW the right time to make the changes you want to make in your business and life?
Enroll Now!
Mastermind Program Value of $17,000 –
Your Investment Only $7997
Get started with only a $500 Deposit
Click above to make your deposit & start the payment plan
After you enroll, you can save another $1000 if you pay the balance of the tuition IN FULL by February 26, 2021. Instructions will be emailed to you after the initial deposit is received.
Email Karen at