3. Biomechanics For Healthy Movement

Don’t worry… Even small improvements in happiness and harmony can yield big results!

Next: A horse who is relaxed, energized, balanced, and free in his movement is a joy to ride!

Good news… Even small improvements can yield big results!

A horse who is relaxed, energized, balanced, and free in his movement is a joy to ride!

On a scale from 1-10

How would you rate how well you and your horse move together?


Example of a 1: My horse is always going too fast, too slow, or is crooked in his body. The contact is either too heavy or he is avoiding the contact. We are in a vicious cycle of tension. Neither of us enjoys doing dressage or arena work.

Example of a 10: I can happily play with my horse to find a Sweet Spot of relaxation, energy, and balance where my horse swings through his body with freedom. At this moment everything feels effortless. We are totally in balance. My horse and I enjoy the process of learning together.

Rate Yourself:

Click the button that corresponds to the level of movement with your horse.